Attendance Matters
Attendance in Mapleton
From 2021-22 to 2022-23, Mapleton’s attendance rate dropped from 90.2% to 89.0%. Those numbers may not appear jarring at first, but a 1.2% drop is the equivalent of every Mapleton student missing two additional days of school! As the state’s chronic absenteeism rate declines, the percentage of students missing ten or more days in Mapleton is up from 39.1% in 2021-22 to 42.7% in 2022-23.
Mapleton’s current daily attendance rate is around 90%. With the introduction of the new attendance policy, the launch of positive attendance strategies, and robust monitoring and interventions for chronic absenteeism and truancy, the district hopes to celebrate a consistent daily attendance rating of 95% come January.
Mapleton's updated Student Attendance and Chronic Absenteeism policy
In November, Mapleton’s Board of Education voted unanimously to approve a new Student Attendance and Chronic Absenteeism policy, JH/JHB. The new policy, available here, combines policy JH, Student Absences and Excuses, and policy JHB, Truancy, and outlines Mapleton’s structured approach to promoting school attendance and combating chronic absenteeism.
Policy Revisions
The revised policy affirms Mapleton’s unwavering commitment to consistent school attendance. Through early detection, parent/guardian collaboration, strategic interventions, and a commitment to providing resources necessary to support regular attendance, Mapleton seeks to achieve the highest possible attendance rates, ensuring that all students have equitable access to the educational opportunities affording to them.
Information for Families to Build Good Attendance Habits
Early Education/Elementary
- Get ready for one of the biggest adventures of your child’s life! // ¡Prepárese para una de las aventuras más grandes de la vida de su niño!
- Help Your Child Succeed in Preschool and Kindergarten // Ayude a su niño a tener éxito en la preescuela y en kindergarten
- Build the Habit of Good Attendance Early // Desarrolle el hábito de la buena asistencia escolar desde los primeros años
Middle/High School
Every day matters in Mapleton!
In Mapleton, it's our goal to have students attend school at least 95% of the time – missing no more than nine days a year for any reason.
Did you know?
- Missing just one or two days of preschool or kindergarten every few weeks can make it harder for children to develop reading skills and be prepared for kindergarten or first grade.
- Students can still fall behind if they miss just 1 or 2 days every few weeks.
- Absences can be a sign that a teen is losing interest, struggling with school work, dealing with a bully, or facing some other difficulty.
- We care about each of our students, and when they are at school each day, we know they are having fun, staying safe, and learning. However, when students are not in school, they are falling behind.
- Chronic absenteeism impacts all students—no matter their age. Students who miss just two days a month for any reason are more likely not to read at grade level, and more likely to not graduate.
Attendance can be a signal that a student needs support. Students might be absent because of:
- Struggles with school subjects
- School climate
- Health conditions
- Anxiety
- Transportation
- Caring for family members