Dress Code
School Dress Codes
School Dress Code/Código de vestimenta
All schools will follow the updated district dress code outlined in Student Dress Code, Policy JICA. If you have additional questions about dress codes at your child's school, please contact the school's main office.
Todas las escuelas seguirán el código de vestimenta del distrito actualizado que se indica en el Código de vestimenta de los estudiantes, Política JICA en español Si tiene más preguntas sobre los códigos de vestimenta en la escuela de su hijo, póngase en contacto con la oficina principal de la escuela.
At the request of Mapleton students, in November 2021, the Board of Education adopted an updated dress code policy. The updated policy sets a minimum expectation in an effort to reinforce the district's belief that all students have the right to equitable education and should be able to dress and style their hair in a manner that expresses their individuality without fear of unnecessary discipline or body shaming.
View the updated Student Dress policy (JICA).
Dress Code Policy
The Board of Education recognizes that students and their parent(s)/guardian(s) are primarily responsible for determining the students’ personal appearance (clothing, hairstyle, jewelry, headgear, hats, book bags, etc.). Students' hair/hairstyles will not be considered a cause for dress code violation.
Schools are responsible for ensuring that a student’s personal appearance does not interfere with the health or safety of any student. At times, (spirit weeks, Halloween celebrations, etc.) schools may designate specific themed days for student attire. Students and staff are responsible for managing their own personal distractions and reactions. The following general standards will be in effect at all district schools grade PK-12:
Mandatory and Allowable Dress:
- Students must wear a top, bottom, and footwear while on school premises
- Items typically worn as undergarments must be covered by a shirt or pants
- Some courses (PE, science lab, electives, etc.) and school-sponsored extracurricular activities may require adjustment to attire and hairstyles or specific attire (safety gear, athletic attire, uniforms, hair tied back, etc.)
- 6th – 12th-grade students must have and display a District distributed student ID when on District properties.
Non-Allowable Dress:
- Items that expose private parts of the body (genitalia, nipples, or buttocks)
- Items that are typically associated with activities that are outside of the school environment, such as swimwear or biking shorts
- Items with sexually suggestive language or messages
- Items that promote illegal or violent conduct, including but not limited to, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, weapons and/or gang affiliation
- Items that depict hate speech, intimidation, or intolerance toward protected groups
- Items that are profane or legally libelous
- Items that make the student's face unidentifiable, such as dark sunglasses, cinched hoodies, or hats pulled below the brow (protective masks, clothing/headgear worn for religious and medical purposes are excepted)
These standards will be published and distributed to students, families, and staff at the beginning of each school year; a copy will be kept in each school building.