Severe Weather Plans
Excessive Temperature Guidance
Mapleton Public Schools is committed to maintaining optimal learning environments to assure the safety and well-being of students and staff. To that end, it is our responsibility to proactively address the challenges posed by excessive temperatures. Our Excessive Temperature Plan outlines our dedication to enhancing the educational experiences of our students while safeguarding the health of all members of our school community.
Severe Weather Procedure
School Closures
The decision to close schools due to adverse conditions is based on many factors, including reports on road conditions from the Colorado Department of Transportation, weather reports, and information from local and state law enforcement agencies, among other considerations. All decisions are made with the safety of staff, students, and families top of mind. The determination to cancel school for an entire day will happen as early as possible. Staff and families will be notified via Blackboard Mass Communication (autodial, text message, email), website, social media, and local media.
2-Hour Delayed Start
On a delayed start day, school will begin two hours later than the usual start time. For example, if school normally begins at 8:10 a.m., a two-hour delay will mean it begins at 10:10 a.m. Bus pick-up times would also be delayed by two hours. If your child is normally at the bus stop by 7:30 a.m., on a late start day they would need to be at the bus stop by 9:30 a.m.
A two-hour delay would also mean that Zero Hour classes will be canceled for that day as well as morning (AM) preschool. Full-day preschool will begin two hours late and afternoon (PM) preschool will start on time.
Families will be notified of either a late start or school cancelation through Infinite Campus and/or Blackboard Mass Communication (autodial, text message, email). Please make sure your contact information is up-to-date so you can receive important school delay and closure information.
Local television and radio stations will have weather-related delays and closure information as well as Mapleton’s Facebook page and website at
Employee Care
With a delayed start, toddler care and preschool before care (employee care) are also delayed two hours and open at 8:45 a.m.
Media outlets notified
Parents who are seeking information regarding the possibility of emergency school closures are urged to listen to one of the following:
Channel 7 (KMGH 7)
Channel 9News (KUSA 9)
Channel 4 (KCNC 4)
KDVR Fox 31
Channel 2 (KWGN 2)
850 KOA
If an emergency occurs while school is in session, students are to remain with the teacher in the classroom until official dismissal has been given by the school administrator. No student will be allowed to go home without the permission of both the parent/guardian and the school administrator.