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Momentum Formula


A note about momentum from Superintendent Mike Crawford

Momentum is mass in motion…momentum drives excellence…whether you are a bowling ball accelerating toward bowling pins, or an organization pushing for greatness, momentum is how we meet milestones.

As we work, this year, toward Mapleton’s milestones, we aren’t changing directions. We are increasing our momentum to continue our push for greatness on behalf of our students.

Momentum is measured by multiplying an object’s mass by its velocity – p = M x V (the p is Latin Petere). The greater an object’s mass and velocity, the greater its momentum. Said another way, momentum is dependent upon two variables: how much stuff is moving, and how fast the stuff is moving. So a bowling ball moving at the same speed as a ping pong ball is harder to stop – its greater mass gives it more momentum.  But two basketballs of the same size, will have different momentum if one is moving faster – the faster one will be more difficult to stop.

Momentum is what propels an idea forward, and it’s what drives us to overcome challenges. Having momentum can make us feel unstoppable, driven, motivated, and excited. 

Have you ever run out of gas and had to push your car? It is difficult to get a stopped car rolling just by pushing on it with human muscle. But once it starts moving, it takes much less effort to KEEP it going, and before you know it, it’s hard to stop!

I believe the same thing applies to data-driven instruction, standards-based planning, using an instructional leadership team, shifting the cognitive load to students, and implementing an MTSS framework.  Learning those things and implementing them well takes enormous effort. But we are right in the middle of putting in that effort, and I think soon we will hit the point where our results will continue to improve without the need for more and more effort.  

And that is how I started to think about Mapleton’s formula for Momentum…

  • Our Momentum (our p) = Our acceleration toward fulfilling our mission which is guaranteeing every student achieves their dreams. 
  • Our Mass (m) = Who we are…it’s what each of us brings to the work, personally, but also our organizational culture, the power of our links to each other, our ability to act in a concerted way as One Mapleton.
  • Our Velocity (v) = What we do... the strategies and actions (big and small) that we take to make progress.

Momentum in Mapleton