2010 Bond Information
Mapleton Public Schools 2010 Bond & BEST Grant Projects
Thanks to a community-supported bond measure in November 2010, Mapleton Public Schools began the process of right-sizing some of its facilities to meet school model needs. The yes vote on 3A helped Mapleton raise the matching funds necessary to ensure the School District receives $32 million in grant funding from Colorado's Building Excellent Schools Today (BEST) program. The District was awarded $32 million in grant funds to address its critical facility needs. The generous matching grant is intended to greatly reduce the financial burden to families and businesses. The bond funds, along with BEST grant dollars, infused $64 million into the Mapleton community to address critical facilities needs.
Colorado's BEST Grant Program
Colorado's BEST legislation addresses health and safety issues by providing funds to rebuild, repair or replace the State's most dangerous and most needy K-12 facilities. The BEST plan calls for a statewide facility assessment, an expert-guided process for the selection of schools and projects for funding, and spending up to $1 billion in funds without raising taxes to tackle the safety of Colorado schools.
As a part of BEST program requirements, the new buildings at the Skyview Campus will be considered high-performance buildings and LEED Gold Certified. A high-performance building is energy efficient, has low short-term and long-term life-cycle costs, is healthy for its occupants, and has a relatively low impact on the environment. High-performance buildings use key resources such as energy, water, materials and land much more efficiently than buildings simply built to code or through a standard design process. Learn more about the LEED Gold Certified features in each building at the Skyview Campus by reviewing the links below.
2009 Mill Levy
In 2009, the Mapleton community supported a $1.9 million mill levy. Funds were used to defray cuts at the state level and address operating expenses, including textbooks, classroom materials, college prep curricula, and recruiting and retaining highly qualified teachers. Prior to 2009, the last Mill Levy passed in Mapleton was in 2001. Those funds were used to upgrade technology District-wide.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Where are the grant dollars for the project coming from?
The money is coming from the State's Building Excellent Schools Today (B.E.S.T.) program that is working to address crumbling schools across the state. An independent firm evaluated every school building in the State. The Colorado State Board of Education conditionally approved Mapleton receive $32 million in state grant funds. To receive these grant dollars, the Mapleton community must provide matching funds.
Will the bond measure help all schools?
Yes. With the completion of these projects to provide efficient, clean and safe learning spaces, Mapleton will free up hundreds of thousands in budget dollars to tackle facility needs at every building. Mapleton will be able to put in place HVAC, roof, asbestos abatement, and carpet and parking lot replacement schedules. The School District can strategically address Safety and Security needs District-wide
Does the Skyview Campus Project improve more than one school?
Yes! The State's $32 million matching grant will go toward a no-frills overhaul of the Skyview Campus by providing classroom space for five schools on the main campus, a regional library and a community resource center.
- Clayton Partnership School (K-8)
- Mapleton Expeditionary School of the Arts (MESA) (7-12)
- Academy High School (9-12)
- Mapleton Early College (9-13)
- North Valley School for Young Adults
The new construction will address ongoing efficiency issues and save the School District hundreds of thousands of dollars annually. Additionally, when Clayton Partnership School moves onto the Skyview Campus, Explore Elementary will move into the existing Clayton building, and Achieve Elementary will be able to spread out in the building at Bertha Heid.
What other projects will the bond pay for?
York International Project
The money will build an addition for York International. The School District would then stop renting modular classrooms for 250 students who are currently housed in them.
Mapleton Public Schools Roof Projects
The State Board approved stimulus funds to pay for the majority of roof replacements and repairs across the School District.
How will this bond help with saving taxpayers money?
The improvement projects identified by Mapleton and supported by the State Board of Education will address significant energy efficiency issues and safety and security concerns. These no-frills, conservative projects answer critical needs in the system. The savings from improved efficiency alone will add up to hundreds of thousands saved annually. These savings will then be poured back into the addressing needs across the District.