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Mapleton Public Schools

Assessment and Evaluation

The purpose of Mapleton Public Schools' Assessment Department is to support student learning and educational success for all. 

The Assessment Department facilitates the annual administration of national, state, and district assessment tests. We serve Mapleton at all levels by providing student performance and accountability data to parents, teachers, administrators, and the community. We provide objective and valid information used by district staff to make informed decisions related to testing initiatives. 

Mapleton's Assessment Department is dedicated to providing prompt program evaluation results, giving reliable student data, and successfully implementing local and state-mandated assessments to measure and improve student learning. 

Contact Us

Brian Fuller
Executive Director Accreditation/Accountability/Assessment

Eleanor Burns
Director of Assessment

Linda Nobles
Executive Secretary Technology Data Accountability & Strategy, Assessments

Department Email:

Assessment Office

7350 Broadway Denver, CO 80221