SAT and PSAT Exams
The PSAT and SAT exams, taken by Colorado’s ninth-, 10th- and 11th-graders, are aligned to the Colorado Academic Standards and offer free, high-quality practice tools and scholarship opportunities. Ninth-graders and 10th-graders take the PSAT and 11th-graders take the SAT as the state college entrance exam.
About the Colorado SAT and PSAT
Information about the Digital SAT and PSAT
Free personalized PSAT and SAT study plans
The College Board has partnered with online education provider Khan Academy® to provide free online PSAT and SAT practice to all students.
By creating a free Khan Academy student account, students can take official full-length PSAT and SAT practice tests, access thousands of practice questions, video lessons, and hints, and receive study and test-taking tips.
Creating a College Board and/or Khan Academy account is optional and voluntary for students. The Colorado Department of Education strongly recommends that students and parents review and discuss the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policies of these organizations prior to creating an online account.
Flyer - Prepare for the SAT with Official SAT Practice (English) (Spanish)
Scholarship and college opportunities
Every income-eligible student who takes the SAT can receive four college application fee waivers, which may be used to apply to 2,000 participating colleges. All students can opt into the College Board Student Search to receive free information about admission and financial aid opportunities from colleges, universities, and scholarship programs.