Concurrent Enrollment
As a part of our college and career going culture, your child has the opportunity to apply for enrollment in college courses at Front Range Community College (FRCC) while attending high school in Mapleton. Concurrent enrollment supports our commitment to providing each student with rigorous academic content, enrichment opportunities, and access to academic courses beyond what is available in high school.
To ensure no obstacle impedes your child’s success, Mapleton Public Schools pays the tuition for district approved college courses successfully completed by the student. Your child may also receive high school credit toward graduation requirements for successful completion of approved postsecondary courses.
To participate in concurrent enrollment, students must request approval from their School Director and Post-Secondary Options Coach (PSOC).
To qualify for concurrent enrollment, students must:
- Be less than 21 years of age
- Be enrolled in a Mapleton high school (9th-12th grade)
- Meet the minimum prerequisites and academic readiness for the postsecondary courses in which they seek to enroll according to both Front Range Community College and Mapleton Public Schools
Additional concurrent enrollment details:
Families are responsible for the cost of textbooks and fees associated with all postsecondary courses. Scholarships are available. Please talk to your child’s school director for additional information.
Courses Offered during Fall 2024 Semester:
Mapleton will be offering the following postsecondary courses during the Fall 2024 Semester pending minimum enrollment and a qualified FRCC instructor is obtained:
- GEO 1060 Global Climate Change: GT-SC2
- ENG 1021 English Composition 1
- HIS 1320 Western Civ: 1650-Present: GT-HI1
- COM 1250 Interpersonal Communication
- ENG 2021 Creative Writing 1: GT-AH1
- PSC 1011 American Government
- ECE 1011 Introduction to Early Childhood Education
Click Here for Course Descriptions
Courses Offered during Spring 2025 Semester:
Mapleton will be offering the following postsecondary courses during the Spring 2025 Semester pending minimum enrollment and a qualified FRCC instructor is obtained:
- GEY 1135 Environmental Geology with Lab
- HIS 2210 History Of Mexico
- ENG 1022 English Composition II
- MAT 1260 Introduction to Statistics
- HUM 1015 World Mythology: GT-AH2
- SOC 1001 Introduction to Sociology 1
- ECE 1031 Guidance Strategies for Young Children
Click Here for Course Descriptions
Enrollment Process and Important Deadlines:
If your child meets the criteria described above and is interested in enrolling for postsecondary courses during the 2024-2025 school year, please follow these next important steps:
- Step 1: By Friday, March 08, 2024, parent/guardian must complete the brief form linked below to express your child’s interest in Concurrent Enrollment for Fall/Spring 2024-2025:
- Step 2: (Ongoing) Your child must maintain communication with his/her PSOC to ensure they have completed all required concurrent enrollment steps. PSOC’s will review requests to confirm that your student meets all eligibility requirements, the course will work with their high school schedule, course prerequisites have been met, and course fits his/her Individualized Career and Academic Plan.
- Step 3: By Friday, March 15, 2024, Parent/Guardian attends a Front Range Community College information session and signs and submits the Concurrent Enrollment Agreement. (FRCC Concurrent Enrollment College Agreement).
- Step 4: By March 29, 2024, your child will need to apply to FRCC and be issued his/her FRCC-issued student number (“S-number”).
- Step 5: By Friday, April 12, 2024, verify with your child’s PSOC that all required steps both from Mapleton and FRCC have been completed. This is a very important step because registering for FRCC courses may require the school to adjust your child’s high school schedule.
PSOC Contact Information:
- Academy High School Kim Adams
- Global Leadership Academy Carolyn Quayle
- Mapleton Early Career Prep Xiomara Ortiz
- Mapleton Expeditionary School of the Arts Michelle Barrott-Jackson
- Mapleton On-line Monica Johnson
- North Valley School for Young Adults Monica Johnson
- Performing Arts School on Broadway Monica Johnson
- York International Jennifer Luscombe
If you do not receive notification of approval by Thursday, April 25, 2024, please contact Jacque Ewing, Post Secondary Options Coordinator,
For more information, please contact Jacqueline Ewing, Coordinator of Post Secondary Options, 303.853.1019,
IMPORTANT: If your child has specific, individual needs (i.e., 504 or IEP), please contact FRCC's Office of Disability Services to learn about how your child’s needs will be met. For more information from the Colorado Department of Education, please click here.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact your child’s PSOC or Jill Fuller, Executive Director of Integrated Services, at 303.853.1128,