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Media Requests

All media requests to interview, videotape or photograph Mapleton staff or students should be made through Melissa Johnson, Director of School and Community Engagement. Please contact our office at 303.853.1018, or email


Visiting Sites: Media occasionally visit our schools to follow through on stories and promote our events. Media should contact the Communications Office before visiting a Mapleton campus. Media will be asked to sign in at the school's front office as a safety and security precaution just like any other school visitor is required to do. When videotaping, photographing, or interviewing, a member of the School and Community Engagement team will accompany the media to minimize disruption and assist with any additional requests. 


Photo/Video Releases: Federal and state laws allow students and parents to opt-out of the release of certain information about students, including photographs. We work closely with each school to determine who has a photo/video release form on file and who cannot be photographed and interviewed. 


Emergency/Crisis Communication: Our office works as quickly as possible to provide accurate information to the media through a spokesperson, written release or statement, or press conference. Our first priority is the safety and security of students and staff and sharing accurate information about the emergency with staff and parents/guardians. In an emergency, media may be assigned to a designated location to ensure their safety and minimize disruption to emergency response efforts. 


Questions? Contact Melissa Johnson, Director of School and Community Engagement, 303.853.1018,