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Mapleton Public Schools

Identification Process

Colorado’s Exceptional Children’s Educational Act (ECEA) defines “identification” as:

The assessment process used by [Mapleton Public Schools] for identifying students who meet the definition for identifying the educational needs of gifted students.

Mapleton aligns its gifted identification process with CDE’s Gifted Education Office guidance which, in turn, ensures that the identification of gifted students aligns to the ECEA rules. The following text has been excerpted and adapted from CDE’s updated identification guidance document: [1]

Purpose of Gifted Identification: The gifted identification process is intended to build a body of evidence to not only make a determination of need for gifted services, but also provide a profile of the student’s strengths and interests. This profile is the foundation for developing a culturally responsive individualized Advanced Learning Plan (ALP). Through the ALP, culturally relevant academic and affective goals are collaboratively identified by the student, family and school to support the student’s ongoing development. The ultimate outcome of identification is that each gifted student receives appropriate academic and affective programming to meet their individual needs while in school.

Body of Evidence (BOE): The body of evidence must include, at a minimum, assessment results from multiple types of measures and data sources that demonstrate exceptional ability or potential when compared to peers of similar age, environment, and experience. This may include, but is not limited to: qualitative and quantitative achievement data, cognitive ability, performance portfolio, family and teacher input, student motivation, and observations of gifted characteristics and behaviors in the classroom.

Qualifying vs. Non-Qualifying Data: While some of the data in a body of evidence will be used to meet the criteria for formal gifted identification as identified in ECEA rule, other data will be used to build a learner profile which demonstrates the student’s exceptional ability compared to peers for the purpose of identifying appropriate programming options.

The following graphic from the Colorado Department of Education’s Gifted Education Office shows the range of measures that can be included in the body of evidence:

Solid Lines: Denote qualifying data point
Dotted Lines: Denote supporting data











Overview of Mapleton’s GT Identification Process

During the identification process, students may be formally identified as “gifted” or placed on a “talent pool” list. Here are definitions for each of these categories:

·      “Gifted” refers to students who have met all requirements for formal identification in one or more area(s) of strength through a body of evidence that includes one or more indicators at the 95th percentile or higher on a nationally normed assessment or performance assessment. These students have an Advanced Learning Plan (ALP) to further develop their area(s) of strength and interests.


·      “Talent Pool” refers to students who have not yet met all the requirements for formal identification as gifted. They may or may not have an indicator at or above the 95th percentile. The district and schools will continue to monitor their achievement results regularly for potential identification in the future. These students do not yet have an Advanced Learning Plan (ALP).

Mapleton strives to be “a district of opportunity.” Therefore, all “gifted” and “talent pool” students are eligible to participate in all district GT events and activities.


For information on talking with your child about being identified as gifted and talented, please click on the following links to Lisa Van Gemert’s website, The Gifted Guru:

The Do’s:

The Don’ts:

GT Referral Forms:
(coming soon)


For additional information about Mapleton’s gifted identification process, please email: