A list of HR Representatives and their job duties are listed here: HR HELP
How do employees change their W-4?
Employees can follow the instructions for changing their W-4 here: CHANGE W-4
How do employees change their direct deposit?
Employees can follow the instructions for changing their direct deposit here: DIRECT DEPOSIT
What is the process for submitting Volunteer Applications?
Volunteer applications can be located on the HR website: VOLUNTEER
Once the volunteer application and background check forms are completed, please follow the instructions for next steps located on the HR website: VOLUNTEER INSTRUCTIONS
How do employees complete name changes?
Employees will need to contact the HR Executive Secretary, Rachel Ross, for assistance.
How do employees view their paystubs and/or leave?
Employees can access and view this information in their IVisions Employee Access. Instructions for logging into IVisions can be located on the HR website:IVISIONS EMPLOYEE ACCESS
Where do employees go to find out information about benefits?
Information about district offered benefits can be located on the HR website: BENEFITS HELP
Who do employees contact about FMLA?
Employees need to contact Robin DeCarlo, Benefits Specialist 303-853-1004. You may also find information about FMLA on the HR website at under "Notices": FMLA
If the employee’s leave is foreseeable, please contact us at least 30 days prior to the start of the leave.
If the employee’s leave is unforeseeable, please contact us as soon as possible.
If the employee has missed 4 days due to an illness, please contact Robin to discuss the reason for the employee being out and then she will reach out to the employee to discuss their options for leave.
How do employees make changes to current Benefit elections?
Employees must have a qualifying event to change eligibility and/or make changes during Benefit Open Enrollment. Please contact Robin DeCarlo, Benefits Specialist for additional information.
Employee Injuries/Work Comp
An employee has reported an injury. Who do I call?
Please contact Sarah Martinez for assistance through this process. All work comp forms are located on the HR website: WORKERS COMP