IC Parent Agreement
Click here to download a copy of the Parent Portal Agreement. .
Parent Portal User Agreement
Infinite Campus Parent Portal is an online tool for parents to access timely and secure information about their child(ren)’s school experience (grades, attendance, behavior, etc.) Each parent or legal guardian is provided with his/her own unique portal activation key for creating a user login and password for the Parent Portal. By activating the user account, parents/guardians agree to abide by and support the terms of use and user expectations set forth in this document.
Section 1: User Expectations
Mapleton Public Schools supports access by students, parents/guardians, teachers and administrators to informational resources that will improve participation in a child’s education and improve communication between students, parents/guardians, teachers and administrators (Board Policy JS).
The District manages student information electronically on a secure Internet site. The District will make certain student education data available for viewing to authorized parents/guardians. Parents/guardians agree to complete with the terms set forth in this Agreement.
Rights and Responsibilities
This access is a free service offered to all current and active parents/guardians of Mapleton Public Schools students. Access to student information over the Internet is a privilege, not a right. Only after a family has enrolled their child(ren) in the District will a parent/guardian be authorized to active an Infinite Campus Parent Portal account. Once a student withdraws or graduates from the District, such access will be deactivated. Parents/guardians and staff must understand and practice proper and ethical use.
Information Accuracy Responsibilities
Information accuracy is the joint responsibility of the School District, parents/guardians, and students. Each school will make every attempt to ensure information is accurate and complete. If a parent/guardian or student discovers any inaccurate information, they will notify their school immediately.
Accessible Information
The District reserves the right to discontinue the use of the Parent Portal at any time. The District reserves the right to add, modify or delete functions viewed via the Parent Portal at any time without notice, including, but not limited to, the functions listed below:
Student Demographic Data
Student Schedule
Immunization Records
Parent Portal Access Agreement
Each parent/guardian must complete the User Agreement Form below and agree to be bound by this Parent Portal User Agreement. Upon verification of the User Agreement or registration of the student, the School District will provide the parent/legal guardian with his/her own unique portal activation key for creating a user login and password to view information relating to the child(ren) of the parent/legal guardian identified in the current District records. The District, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to request that a parent/guardian bring photo identification to the school in order to verify his/her identity should any question arise concerning the validity of the acceptance of this Agreement.
Use of Parent Portal
Parents/guardians are required to adhere to the following guidelines:
Parents/guardians agree to act in a responsible, ethical, and legal manner.
Parents/guardians will not attempt to harm or destroy the school, the District's data, or networks.
Parents/guardians will not attempt to access information concerning students other than that of their own child(ren) or any account assigned to another person.
Parents/guardians will not use the Parent Portal or the District's networks for any illegal activity, including, but not limited to violation of Federal and State Data Privacy laws. Anyone found to be in violation of these laws will be subject to civil and/or criminal prosecution.
Parents/guardians who identify a security problem within the Parent Portal must notify their school immediately, without demonstrating the problem to anyone else.
Parents/guardians will not share their password or allow anyone other than himself or herself to use their Parent Portal account, including their own child(ren).
Parents/guardians will not set any computer to automatically log in to the Parent Portal.
Parents/guardians will log out of their Parent Portal user account when they are not at their computer.
Parents/guardians identified as a security risk will be denied access to the site.
Security Feature
Access is made available through a secure Internet site. Account holders are responsible for not sharing their passwords and to properly protect or destroy any printed or electronic documentation generated from or about the Parent Portal site.
Five unsuccessful login attempts will generate a CAPTCHA image where the user will be required to enter the numbers and or letters generated in the image. After successfully entering the numbers and/or letters, parents/guardians will be allowed to continue to attempt login. If log in attempts are still unsuccessful, parents/guardians will need to contact their school to reset their password.
The users will be automatically logged off if they leave their web browser open and inactive for a period of time.
The parent/guardian account will be permanently deactivated when his/her children have either withdrawn or graduated from Mapleton Public Schools, or a court action denies the parent/guardian access to his/her child's information.
Limitation of School District Liability
The District will use reasonable measures to protect student information from unauthorized viewing. THE DISTRICT WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THE DISTRICT’S SYSTEM OR INTERNET. The District will not be responsible for actions taken by parents/guardians or students that compromise their student information. The District reserves the right to limit or terminate the Parent Portal for viewing student information without notice. All parents/guardians who use the parent portal to access their child(ren)'s information consent to electronic monitoring and understand that they are granted access to a private network used as an educational tool by the Mapleton Public School District employees and students. Account activity is electronically recorded.
SECTION II: Parent Portal Access and Use
Initial Account Request and Setup
For parents/guardians who do not currently have a Parent Portal account but have a child already enrolled:
Each Parent Portal user must agree to the terms of this Agreement and the Parent Portal User Agreement form. Parents/guardians need to complete and accept only one form for all children in their household.
The District may request that the parent/guardian bring photo identification to the school in order to verify his/her identity.
The parent/guardian requesting the account will be given an activation key.
The District will maintain on file a record of acceptance of this Agreement and of the User Agreement Form, below.
Parents/guardians should refer to the Frequently Asked Questions, Computer Requirements, Login Instructions and Quick Reference on the Parent Portal page on Mapleton’s website .
Parents should contact their child’s school for additional support.
Acceptable use
Parents/guardians agree to abide by the following guidelines when accessing the District’s site:
Users shall not seek to learn or change or share other users’ passwords, modify other users’ files or data, or misrepresent other users of the network.
Users shall not intentionally disrupt the use of the network or devices attached to the network.
Users agree that hardware or software shall not be destroyed, modified, damaged or abused in any way.
Malicious use of the system to develop programs or computer viruses that harass other users, infiltrate a computer or computer system, damage the software components of a computer of computing system are prohibited.
Loading, transmitting, or intentionally receiving hate mail, harassing content, and other antisocial content is prohibited on the system.
Use of the system to process or upload pornographic material, inappropriate text files, illegal software or files dangerous to the integrity of the local area network or any attached device are prohibited.
Software and some content are protected by copyright laws: therefore users will not make unauthorized copies of software or media or other copyrighted context found on the District system.
Parent Agreement:
By submitting this form, I am requesting to review my child(ren)’s student information on the Mapleton Public Schools Infinite Campus Parent Portal. I understand, in the interest of security, the School District reserves the right to change user password or deny access at any time. I agree not to share my password or allow anyone other than myself to use the account including my own child(ren), and to protect any information printed or transferred to my computer, or destroy the documentation generated from this site. By signing this agreement, I, as parent/guardian, release Mapleton Public Schools from any responsibility arising out of any unauthorized access to my account.
I am at least eighteen (18) years of age and able to be legally bound by the terms of this Agreement;
I am requesting access to my child(ren)’s student information on the Mapleton Public Schools Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
I have read the Mapleton Public Schools Parent Portal User Agreement above, and agree to abide by and support the terms of use and user expectations set forth in the Agreement to insure the safety and privacy of each student;
By accepting this Agreement, I, as parent/guardian, release the Mapleton Public Schools from any and all liability for damages arising out of unauthorized access to my parent guardian user account;
I agree that I will not share my password or allow anyone other than myself to use my user account, including my own child(ren);
I understand that, in the interest of security, the District reserves the right to change user passwords or deny access at anytime;
I agree to protect or destroy any information printed or transferred to my computer, or otherwise generated from the District’s site via the Parent Portal; and
If my account becomes locked I will contact the school office and request the account be unlocked. I understand the District, in its sole discretion, may request that I bring photo identification to the school in order to verify my identity and that I may take 3-5 school days to have my account unlocked.
This information on this form must match the information you provided during registration of your child(ren) or on a subsequent Student Data Verification form.
All information is required!
Parent/Guardian First Name _______________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Last Name _______________________________________________________________
Email Address _______________________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________
City _______________________________________________________________
State _______________________________________________________________
Zip _______________________________________________________________
Home Telephone Number _______________________________________________________________
Cell Phone Number _______________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________________________________ Date ____________________